Monday, March 20, 2017

Egyptian, Roman/Greek Art

(Egyptian) Bust of Queen Nefertiti: 1340 BC

          This sculpture was found in 1912, by archaeologists. This sculpture has several layers of stucco on the crown and shoulders. Also some patches of stucco on the face. The bust is made out of limestone which is also covered with modeled gypsum. The eyes are inlayed with crystal and the pupil is made of black wax. The height of the sculpture is 50cm and was found in a place known today as Amarna. The face of the sculpture is very unique because she basically has one good eye. The crown is unique, it has a tall flat top that is decorated with the remains of uraeus. This sculpture represents a woman who has a harmonic and balanced beauty despite her eyes and the folds in her face and skin.  

(Roman/Greek) Head of a Goddess or Queen: 316-270 BC

         This sculpture is a life sized female head of the Ptolemaic queen Arsinoe or can be also the goddess likes Artemis and Aphrodite. This sculpture is made of stone and bronze with a height of 25.5cm. The hair on this sculpture is a wavy pattern separated with a ribbon or hair piece. She has very thin but long eyebrows. The lips however, was made of a different metal. The eyes are just sockets but has a heavy look to them. This sculpture also has a long nose with cracks on the chin and cheeks. It also has gashes and dents along the forehead. Many say that this sculpture’s style favor the influence of Skopas. Which is one of the leading Greek sculptors. The ribbon on the hair can be a diadem, which is a signature headgear of later Greek royalty. 

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