Sunday, May 21, 2017

Exit Through The Gift Shop

Art is a way to express yourself. Many people express themselves in different ways. In the film “exit through the gift shop” there’s street artists who collect and use random objects to add to their artwork. They want their work to be unique. A street artist is not accepted in the society very well because it can be illegal but this is a way to express yourself and it can be art. Art is various and can be different in many ways anything can be turned into art. Graffiti and graphic art is a unique way to express yourself and get creativity on a wall, billboard, or train. An example from the movie is when they showed clips where they show the graffiti on the walls. It shows creativity and passion as well. I also like the part in the movie where they interview an artist and asked him “is this your job?” he simply answered, “no it's my passion.” This shows the drive that artist have about their work. It is very difficult to get a vision in your head and make it live on a big open space that may or may not be a blank wall can be different textures such as brick, concrete or metal. Art is art no matter the type of art it is.

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